AI is transforming every aspect of business, from organizational structure to corporate culture. As the technology evolves, leaders are asking important questions: How can they harness its full potential to enhance productivity and boost collaboration? How can they ensure that AI is functioning as an integral member of their team, taking over some tasks and playing a vital role in ongoing processes? How can they leverage its ability to add value, spot new opportunities, and help build out entirely new business models? 

In the upcoming season of the WorkLab podcast from Microsoft, we’ll be exploring all of those questions and more. 

The show is hosted by Molly Wood, who has more than two decades of experience reporting on technology and business for CNET/CBS, the New York Times, Marketplace, Wired, and The Atlantic. Last season, she explored the future of work with thought leaders like Khan Academy founder Sal Khan, Accenture CEO Julie Sweet, bestselling author and productivity guru Charles Duhigg, and President of Microsoft Research Peter Lee

This season Molly will talk with more experts to unearth the kind of real-world lessons and actionable insights that help business leaders maintain their edge. 

New episodes of the WorkLab podcast will be available starting on September 12. Follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Here’s a transcript of the Season 7 trailer. 

MOLLY WOOD: Hey there. I’m business and technology journalist Molly Wood, the host of WorkLab, a Microsoft podcast for business leaders. We’ll be back next week with our seventh season, where we’re digging even deeper into all the ways AI is redefining how we work. I think we can all agree, and feel, that this is a pivotal moment for business. On WorkLab we have featured conversations with experts who share their unique insights and guidance on how to navigate the AI journey.  

CHARLES DUHIGG: Everything that we can see about the future of tech is, it’s going to be more and more like having a conversation and less and less like using a calculator.  

MOLLY WOOD: We’ll keep talking to change agents about what to expect as technology boosts productivity and transforms business. 

KATE JOHNSON: What got us here isn’t going to get us where we need to go. We need to move faster as a company. We need help in being agile. AI has been instrumental in helping us get there.   

MOLLY WOOD: And WorkLab helps leaders understand how to be bold themselves, and how to prepare their employees to tap into the full potential of AI at work. 

JULIE SWEET: We have to have a company of learners, so we look for that as a competency.  

SAL KHAN: The more that you lean into these tools, your market value is going to go up dramatically.  

TIMM CHIUSANO: Those that are going to have the best long-term outcomes with AI are going to be those that focus on utilizing AI to help you get there versus trying to force it to be the leader in the conversation. 

MOLLY WOOD: Smart leaders adapt. They stay ahead of trends. They embrace any edge they can get. Smart leaders also know that AI-powered organizations will be better at spotting opportunities, creating new products and business models, and maximizing value. WorkLab is the place to find real-world lessons and actionable insights to help you get that edge. Season 7 launches September 12. Subscribe now to get a sneak peek at the future of work.